Friday, June 7, 2013

my pink dream polish

diana is a wonderful dark purple color with fine dark purple glitters. it came in my package as an extra for ordering. fruity pebbles was the polish i wanted. i saw it on her esty ( ) shop an thought wow thats going to be amazing!!!!! it was too, i love white base polishes, this on is no exception. the application was simple, the color was perfect and the glitters cam out all over the brush. i just love this polish 80's melt down and miami sun rise, are both mini polishes that came with my order, 80's melt down is a white base with neon glitters. the application was smooth and the glitters are wonderful. this is a great polish just like the others. mini miami sun rise is a glitter polish with a clear base. the glitters are neon. little hex and small squares and so much more pack this mini with glitter, application on the nail was smooth, the glitter came right out of the bottle, and went right on the nail. it a really great polish. s for the other polishes i will do another post on them at a later date, i hope you all enjoyed the review.

LynBDesigns nail polish

i order these polishes from, i waited about 2 weeks for them to come in. once they came in the mail, i was so happy, the colors are amazing, Neon Ballroom was the first color i saw. the black base with the neon glitters are amazing, my daughter saw this polish and wanted me to paint her nails with it. so that what i did. the application of this was was great, but the glitters at first were a little hard to find, but once i gave it a good shake it, the glitters were easy to find and easy to apply. the other polishes i have not tryed yet other then to swatch them for the above photo, so the with spike, i had not problumes with the glitter, it was great, a full brush full of bright amazing glitters, Everyone Needs a Thneed is a white base, with pink glitters and i love it its extremely creamy and again he glitters were easy to find with a little shake of the bottle, other wise these are amazing polish that look great in the bottle or on your fingers.

Monday, June 3, 2013

girl obsessed polish review

i tryed a bottle of sock monkey from a friend of mine name tami. she sent me the little bottle of sock monkey from the company name girl obsessed. it was am mini bottle. but when i saw this i was in awwww. The polish is a white base, black circle glitters, red and brown hex glitters. this polish is amazing. when i put it in i feel in love with it the application was great no looking for glitters. great consistency. over all i loved the experience i had with this product.
today we i did sally hensen fuzzy coat nail polish, i found the application to be harder then i liked, the formula was very thin. the colors are extremely pretty, i put top coat on them to protects them

polish addict review

polish addict is an indie company who hand makes there own polishe's. i have been eyeing their web site for a while (facebook) (store) 2 weeks ago polish addict had a sale on some of there discontunied polish. I ordered spring equinox its a mauve gellie base with hex glitters in it, the glitters are silver, gold and tiny green ones, the application was great for this polish, i dident search for glitters, and they applyed to the nail great from the bruch, the drying time was good. i love this color, it great