Saturday, March 15, 2014

glitter mix - the many uses

today i wanted to talk about the many uses for non solvent glitter and solvent glitter glitters can be used for so many things, nail art is a huge thing many of us women use glitter for, so lets get started, the the first way we can use glitter is to apply a nail polish, then dab a glitter mix on with a paint brush, then just apply a top coat nail polish, the next thing you can do is mix a little glitter mix with nail polish and apply it to the nail, again when dry apply top coat, the other use way you can add glitter to your nails is buy a nail polish with glitter in it, this is a solvent resistant glitter in the polish, (you can buy solvent resistant glitter at many places or buy a indie polish) just paint your nails with the glitter polish. one more way is to put glitter in a shaker bottle, apply nail polish and then shake some glitter on to the nail, as alway use top coat after. hope you all enjoy this blog on the many ways to use glitter

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